Friday, August 31, 2012

Chapter 6, Question 2

Beginning in June of 2008, lasting until June 2012, I worked as a Careers in Science Intern at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. It was an exciting adventure as I learned more about science, myself, group communication and facilitation, and leadership. After my second year, I along with some of my cohorts, received a promotion as shift supervisors for the younger interns. I soon learned some of us did not deserve the promotion.  Once, after a long couple hours supervising, I went to the break room to take my lunch, when I found two interns in the break room as well. I noted on my paper that everyone had already took their breaks and lunches. One of those two interns was a shift supervisor as well. She told me that they just had decided to take a few extra minutes for their break. This was only the first incident. The next incident, the same shift supervisor was caught again with a different intern doing the same thing. The rest of the shift supervisors decided to come together and discuss the issue at hand. We all expressed our opinions and ideas about how to deal with the issue and came to the conclusion that we needed to meet with her and speak with her about the issues. After we did that, the problem still was not resolved I went to my supervisor and he dealt with the issue. It was risky of us to deal with a situation that involves our friend. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Chapter 6, Question 1

President Barak Obama may have opposed legalizing same-sex marriage on a federal level due to the fact that there would be plenty of opposition to it. Although there is plenty of opposition currently, if he would have supported legalizing gay marriage on a federal level it would be a drastic change for the United States. It would redefine the concept of marriage as stated in the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996. Although church and state are naturally set to be separate, sometimes there are times when it seems to overlap and Obama opposing same-sex marriage on a federal level is one of those times. He claims to believe in equal rights for all people, however these rights are denied for same-sex couples in regards to marriage. It is strange to think that someone is able to be married in New York yet not married in Delaware. Barak Obama would respond to Nava and Dawidoff’s argument by stating that Americans, even those who agree with same-sex marriage, may be too stuck in the traditional marriages to think that such a drastic change in society is even possible without a large uproar across the nation. I believe that Obama would also state that there are states which do grant the basic right of gays and although same-sex couples do not have the same legal rights they are still granted the same “moral, social, and spiritual benefits”  as other couples although the marriage is not valid by the federal government (Nava & Dawidoff, 1994).

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Me, Myself, & I

Hello fellow comm 41 students!
I have taken comm 20 class and I really enjoyed it.  I hope to learn about the pros and cons of online classes and I'm looking forward to working in groups to write papers. It is very different from the types of writing that I am used to.My goal for this class is to get an A for the semester. I am currently a sophomore at San Jose State University and currently my major is Behavioral Science and I am planning on changing it to be Forensic Science with an emphasis in biology. I plan on working as a criminalist for the FBI. I have also had a passion for communicating with others as well as science so I began an internship at the California Academy of Sciences as a Careers in Science Intern. That internship allowed me to begin my career exploration and gain valuable scientific while interacting with the public on the museum floor. I had that internship from the time I was 14 until this past June. I enjoy learning and I figured that having an online class would allow for me to work and learn in my own time and my own pace. I am a member of Sigma Theta Psi multicultural sorority which was founded right here at San Jose State. Last year, I owned a female kingsnake named Frisky but I gave it to a reptile rescue once I was asked to remove it by the RA. I currently live on the 5th floor of CVB. My favorite artist is Rihanna and I hope to meet her one day. I am looking forward to learning more about my peers and about critical decision making. 
Hope you got to know a little bit more about me!