Sunday, October 7, 2012

Chapter 3, Question 2

I use rhetorical devices more often than I imagined. A rhetorical device uses manipulation rather than reason to persuade others. I believe that I am a highly influential person to my friends and others, and I know how to manipulate situations to my advantage.  But, its more than that, I know how to make others take a negative situation and look at the positive. Rhetorical devices were most recently used in the debate between Mitt Romney and Barak Obama. I commonly use hyperboles and find myself to be a tab bit overdramatic than others. When presented with a negative situation, I find myself making it seem as if I’m going to die or as if I can’t live without something. Over exaggerating the facts of things may cause me to forget about the facts. Another rhetorical device that I’ve used this week was lying, which is the deliberate attempt to mislead without prior consent. I was going to be late to work because I missed the bus, but instead of just calling in to say I was going to be late, I decided to call and say that I had stomach flu and I couldn’t make it because I’ve been so stressed out with school. Although lying is intentional, either way I was going to get in trouble for it so I figured try to have my boss feel sympathy for me rather than anger.   

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