Sunday, October 21, 2012

Chapter 4, Question 3

An interesting topic that I found in chapter 4 was the social errors and biases section. To be more exact, the section about diffusion of responsibility. Diffusion of responsibility is a social phenomenon that occurs in group of people. It occurs when people are not socially aware or responsibility isn’t assignment to them therefore they act as bystanders rather than actively taking a stance. When in groups we seem to have a natural bad habit of staying out of situations for what we may think is for the better. However, the book illustrates a few examples of where interference from people could have saved someone’s life. I found this very interesting because of the popular tv show, “What Would You Do?” The show presents real life situations where interference from a bystander could make all the difference. One of my favorite episodes was when there were two actors cyberbullying someone in a public cafĂ©. Not that many people interfered but one man participated in the actual cyberbullying. However, in some cases, people stepping into a situation of cyberbullying would have saved the girl that just killed herself a few weeks ago from cyberbullying. 

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