Friday, November 2, 2012

Chapter 10, Question 1

As a consumer, I have encountered many marketing strategies over the past week. I went to Safeway and took note of the product placement. Product placement is a strategy now commonly used in your favorite TV show, music videos, but more classically in the grocery store. Companies pay celebrities to endorse their brands whether It be Coca-cola or Levis. When you have finished getting all of your groceries, the store usually has candies or something by the checkout registers. This is all because product placement, you end up looking at these products before you leave, enticing you to buy one of them. Also, the items on the lower shelves of the isles are usually targeted for young children. They are there to make children see them and ask their parents to buy it for them. I work at Starbucks and I also learned about their product placement in the pastry case. The pastry case is full of bakery items that range from $1.90-$3.75. The ones closer to the register are the ones that more expensive so that when someone is waiting to complete their order they choose to purchase the more expensive items. 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sigma Love
    I was rather shocked, for the simple fact I never knew or thought about marketing strategies. It makes complete sense why grocery stores would have candy right before you purchase your items. Again with the lower shelves aimed for younger children. Then when you brought up about working at Starbucks and having the more expensive items in the front. It makes sense, since people tend to buy the first thing they see. It amazes me how creative and smart marking people are, they know what people want and how they think which is very tricky to do.
