Sunday, November 11, 2012

Chapter 11, Question 1

Media experiences influence my existing worldviews and values in a variety of ways. Although children are the most influenced by the media, teenagers and college students (as well as adults) are too. Veteran’s day is coming up and a lot of stores are having sales and promoting it on the television. Macy’s is having a sale and there are promotions on every channel. This makes me want to shop early during the sale for Christmas presents for my family. Media gives me the worldview that America is a consumer based nation, and it is not anything about having moral values or being a hardworking nation. Rather, it is about spending money and making money. For example, after Hurricane Sandy, I got together care packages for the victims, however when we took them to Red Cross they stated that they were only accepting cash donations. This doesn’t reinforce my worldviews, because I feel that the values I believe in are not embodied in the United States as a whole. 

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