Sunday, September 30, 2012

Chapter 2, Question 2

I believe that in some aspects the theory of evolution and a belief in God are compatible. The theory of evolution basically states that all things change, or evolve, over time in order to survive in their conditions. An example of evolution would be a giraffe’s neck which has evolved over time to reach leaves in tall trees. The reason I believe that evolution and a belief in God are compatible is because of the fact that one of Aquinas proofs discusses natural design in organisms, which is a big part in the theory of natural selection in evolution. However, the theory of evolution was Charles Darwin’s response to the common belief in a God. He wanted to disprove the theory of God by showing that there is another way things are the way that they are. Dawkins rebuttal to his argument disrespects those people that do believe in God by just the name of his article, “The God Delusion”. I felt that his argument could have been a lot stronger and his rebuttal was almost as confusing as Aquinas’ proofs. 

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